Break Free From The Chains Of Your Memories
We treat your PTSD or phobia comfortably and quickly
Proven Breakthrough in PTSD
Treatment Has A Success Rate in Eliminating Post-Traumatic Stress

You do not need to go over the traumatic incident again
For many years, severe anxiety-based conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias were considered treatable only through long, painful exposure therapy, and in some cases, not at all.
Now, thankfully, we have access to a comfortable, effective treatment that can greatly reduce, and even remove, traumatic or phobic symptoms quickly.
This Technique is also, known as the fast phobia cure.
This technique incorporates a new successful treatment for PTSD and Phobias.
The treatment is referenced as Visual Kinaesthetic Dissociation. This technique has helped hundreds of patients with a high degree of eliminating post-traumatic stress and requires no prescription medication.
The most exciting
In the majority of cases our treatment involves
3 sessions
It can be used to help to lift fast and effective all kinds of traumas and phobias. Also, it can be used to help people with depression, anxiety and even with events that haven’t happened.
(ex: public speaking, presentation)

Break free from the chains
Break free from the chains
Benefits + Results
Clients were able to clearly understand and measure their increase in wellbeing and decrease in unwelcome symptoms.
The most commonly mentioned effects that rewind had on the client's lives were:
Increased confidence
NO more flashbacks
MORE positive mood
Ability to speak about the trauma without triggering alarm or difficulty
NO more fear

how it evolved
From the famous psychiatrist, hypnotherapist Milton Erickson use of relaxation and dissociation come the principle we use in our rewind technique. Also evolved from the principle of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) the technique developed by Richard Bandler one of the co-founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). He called it the VK dissociation technique (the V stands for visual and the K for kinaesthetic — feelings)
Visual/kinesthetic dissociation separates the feelings from the pictures so you can come to terms with both. It has been used successfully for dealing with: accidents and injuries. Phobias. Post-traumatic stress disorders.
From this, Joe Griffin developed the double dissociation that we use in the rewind technique.
How it works
The technique works by allowing the traumatized individual, while in a safe relaxed state, to reprocess the traumatic memory so that it becomes stored as an 'ordinary', albeit unpleasant, and non-threatening memory rather than one that continually activates a terror response. This is achieved by enabling the memory to be shifted in the brain from the amygdala to the neocortex.
The amygdala's role is to alert us to danger and stimulate the body's ‘fight, flight’ or freeze reaction associated with a threatening experience. The sensory memory is passed on to the hippocampus and from there to the neocortex, the part of the brain that stores old memories as past.
By relocating the traumatic memory from one part of the brain to another — the place where it was meant to end up in the first place, it re-balances the experience within a person's life.
Besides being safe, quick, and painless, the technique has the advantage that intimate details do not have to be made public.
Most of the people we work with just want to put their experience into proper perspective, not suffer symptoms anymore, and get on with their lives.

The Rewind Technique is a tried-and-tested approach to treating PTSD and phobias
Research Results
One study carried out by the Human Givens Institute in the UK showed the following results:
Study size: 30 people
40% of clients rated rewind as extremely successful.
53% rated it as successful.
7% rated it as acceptable.
No one rated the Rewind Technique poor or as a failure.
What people are saying
The fact that the treatment was quick, easy and painless was commented on by very many and most said they would recommend the method to others.
No other treatment was deemed to equal its success.
"I can still recall the picture but it doesn't have the emotional punch. It doesn't hold emotional power anymore” (this client’s comment sums up exactly how successfully the results can be achieved)
This experience is different
The Rewind Technique does not need you to go over the traumatic incident(s) again
Many people with trauma or phobias have been treated using approaches that drag them back through the experience again; a highly unpleasant thing to have to do.
This does not happen with the technique we offer to our clients, and you do not even need to go to the details of what happened to you.
In case you suffer from PTSD or phobias I think I can help, so please contact me .

There are 3 levels of ptsd
The three levels of PTSD as presented by DSM-5 are:
1 Uncomplicated PTSD
Patient experiences same/similar trauma repeatedly. Emotional numbing and/or symptoms of increased arousal arise.
2 Comorbid PTSD
Patient experiences same/similar trauma repeatedly. Depression, panic and anxiety attack present.
3 Complex PTSD
Patient experiences prolonged traumatic circumstances. Behavioural challenges, self-destructive behaviours, disassociation, manic behaviours, cognitive breakdowns and shut-downs present. (Note: We do not offer sessions to this level of PTSD/Phobia)
Recent research indicates that on average 8 to 20 sessions most typically delivered once weekly are required for 50 percent of patients to recover as indicated by self-reported symptom measures.
A licensed counsellor specializing in PTSD estimates that the protocol would cost patients around $15,000
Our treatment in the majority of cases involves 3-sessions
In case you or someone you know suffer from PTSD or phobia, please come to get help.
You can break free from the chains✨
2nd SESSION: $260 (2-3 HOUR SESSION)