Meet your guide
Are you ready to meet your guide?
In this session, Deise will guide you to meet your Spirit Guide.
During the session you meet with your Spirit Guide or Guides to receive precious high-vibrational guidance you need at this point in time, to receive your guide’s wisdom, guidance and solution on how to solve a difficult situation in life.
You are guided to a heart-opening Journey of Connection and Healing, receive the wisdom from your guide, grow the connection and receive Its Divine Light.
Guides are beings of light they can come in many forms and they have different purposes, but their common goal is to guide you into alignment with the love of the Universe, to help lead you back to love.

How you experience your spirit Guide
Inner Knowing
You can experience a spirit guide as an inner knowing. You may feel or sense your guide’s presence, or “hear” a voice within, like a strong intuition.
Sparks of Light
Light as human form, Sparks of light are another indicator of a spirit guide’s presence.
Human Form-Human Shape
Your Guide can come through human form or human shape.
Connecting to your spirit guides is about learning to rely on the inner voice of love. The reason guides are here is to constantly bridge your thoughts from fear back to faith, forgiveness, love and light.

Meet Your Guide
Meet Your Guide
We call the Guides of Highest Love & Light
During your session we only open up your consciousness, the space and the energy only to the Guides with highest Light and Love.
Come in for this Lovely Meeting
2 hour session
Normal Price is $220
Your guide is waiting for you